SSD Council Meeting minutes

SSD Minutes

Friday, March 12th, 2021

Attendance: FL, JD, NB, ES, SP, DB, JuD, S, Grace, JG


  • Call to Order
    • NB called to order at 4:05 pm.
  • Territory Acknowledgement
    • We acknowledge with respect the Lekwungen peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.
  • Adoption of Agenda
    • Agenda of 2021/03/12 – Motion to adopt the agenda: JuD/S
      • Motion Passes
  • Ratification of Minutes
    • Council Meeting Minutes of 2021/02/10
      • Moves to ratify the minutes: ES/S
        • Passes
  • Presentations & Announcements
    • SSD Introduction Presentation
    • SSD Rules of Order Presentation


  • Reports
    • Council Members
      • Chairperson – NB – delayed nomination period for UVSS reps, Financial committee upcoming, training documents for Council
      • Treasurer – ES – nothing to report
      • UVSS Representative – Delicia – absent
      • Student Liaison – JuD – anticipating possible back to face-to-face school barriers
      • Graduate Student Representative – S –, GSS has AGM from 5-7pm PST on March 23
      • International Student Representative – Vacant
      • General Member at Large – DB –
      • General Member at Large – Grace – nothing to report
      • General Member at Large – JB – absent
      • General Member at Large – JG – UVSS payment frustrations
      • General Member at Large – JD – nothing to report
      • General Member at Large – NB
      • Secretary – Rowan – resigned, vacant
  • Staff Reports:
    • FL: 
      • August 22nd from 1-2pm PST CAL is offering an information session for CAL “how to”
      • Foodbox programming will possibly be shifting
      • BC Disability Alliance workshops for May – we have lots of registration spaces left!
      • June workshops with CCG → more info coming up
        1. Possibly help fund accessible garden space in the future
        2. Future face-to-face ideas for the summer especially
  • Main Motions
  • Priority Business
    • Motion 2021/03/12: 01 – NB/JuD
      • BIRT the SSD Council accepts Rowan’s resignation from the SSD Council.
        • Motion carries.
    • Motion 2021/03/12: 02 – NB/S
      • BIRT the SSD Council grants ES a leave of absence for 2 months from her duties as Treasurer.
        • Motion carries.
    • Motion 2021/03/12: 03 – ES/JG
      • BIRT NB will assume all responsibilities of the Treasurer until ES’s return.
        • Motion to table until next meeting carries.
    • Motion 2020/03/12: 04 – NB/JuD
      • BIRT the SSD Council ratifies the following list of dates as the meeting times for the Spring 2021 Semester:
      • Friday March 26th at 6:00 pm
      • Friday April 9th at 4:00 pm
      • Friday April 23rd at 6:00 pm
      • Friday May 7th at 4:00 pm
      • Friday May 21st at 6:00 pm
        • Motion carries.
    • Motion 2021/03/12: 05 – JG/JD
      • Whereas the SSD has a spoken agreement with the UVSS to split the costs of the $25/person honoraria associated with the SSD/ABCS/UVSS Accessibility Focus Groups; and
      • Whereas the total costs of the honoraria associated with the SSD/ABCS/UVSS Accessibility Focus Groups are $275, half of that being $137.50
      • BIRT the SSD reimburses the UVSS for $137.50.
        • Motion carries.
    • Motion 2021/03/12: 06 – NB/S
      • BIRT the SSD ratifies Delicia as a signing authority of the SSD.
      • BIFRT the SSD ratifies SP Papp as a signing authority of the SSD.
        • Motion carries.
    • Motion 2021/03/12: 07 – NB/JG
      • BIRT the SSD ratifies Finance Committee with the following members:
      • ES as Treasurer as Chair (JG as interim-Treasurer)
      • NB as President as Second Chair
      • Up to 3 Council Members (Open for nomination)
        • JuD
        • (FL would like to attend)
          • Motion carries.
    • Motion 2021/03/12: 08 – NB/S
      • BIRT the SSD ratifies Outreach and Events Committee with the following members:
      • NB as President as Chair
      • JuD as Student Liaison as Second Chair
      • Up to 3 Council Members (Open for nomination)
        • Grace
        • (SP would like to attend)
          • Motion carries.
    •  Motion 2021/03/12: 09 – NB/JD
      • BIRT the SSD ratifies Policy Development Committee with the following members:
      • NB as President as Chair
      • Delicia as UVSS Rep as Second Chair
      • Up to 3 Council Members (Open for nomination)
        • JG
        • (SP & FL would both like to attend)
          • Motion carries.
  • New Business
  • Old Business
  • Discussion
  • Priority Discussion 
    • 2021/03/12: 01 – NB
      • Other Executive Members and Signing Authorities
        • ES (exec), SP (staff), FL (staff), NB (exec), Delicia (exec), and Nikita (staff) are signing authorities now, with NK on-leave.
        • JuD as possible executive, if interested.


    • Motion 2021/03/12: 10 – JuD/S
      • BIRT the SSD ratifies JuD as a 4th Executive.
        • Motion carries.
    • 2021/03/12: 02 – NB
      • Budgeting Timeline
        • Finance committee meeting next week to review the budget and make changes.
    • 2021/03/12: 03 – NB
      • Advocacy Group Policy Timeline
    • 2021/03/12: 04 – NB
      • Council Training Timeline
      • Anti-O workshop partially as intro and refresher and communication check-in
  • New Discussion
  • Old Discussion
    • Motion to move in camera – JG/S
      • Motion carries to move in camera at 5:52pm.
  • In Camera
  • Personnel Report
  • Funding Request Review
    • Motion to move out of camera – JuD/S
      • Motion to move out of camera carries at 5:54pm.
  • Meeting Times
    • Next General Council Meeting – Friday, March 26th at 6:00 pm
    • Finance and Operations committee meeting will be determined soon via email.
  • Adjournment

SSD AGM Agenda – February 23th, 2021

Participants: ES, DB, NB, S, JuD, JD, Rowan, Grace, Delicia, Jennifer, Madison, AP

Staff: NK, FL, and SP


  1. Call to Order and Appointment of Chair at 4:10pm.
  2. Acknowledgement of Territories 
    1.   ES acknowledges the territories.
  3. Adoption of Agenda and Ratification of the Minutes 
    1. Adoption of the agenda for February 23, 2021. NB/JuD
      1. Motion carries.
  4. Ratification of the minutes for February 28th, 2020.
  5. Yearly Reports 
    1. Council Members 
      • Chairperson — ES
      • Treasurer — DB – absent
      • UVSS Representative — NB – UVSS report presentation
      • Graduate Student Representative — S
      • International Student Representative — absent
      • Student Liaison — JG – Focus group wrapping up
      • General Member at Large — JD – Possibly a card making session in future?
      • General Member at Large — JuD – Making connections between SSD and UVic Mental Health Club
      • General Member at Large — NBa – absent
      • General Member at Large — TW – absent
      • General Member at Large — JB – absent
      • General Member at Large — Vacant
  1. Staff 
    1. Office Coordinator — NK – Review of position and programs, such as food security program, crafternoon and journal workshops
    2. Education and Administrative Coordinator — FL – budget and ramp
    3. Research and Communications Coordinator — SP – update on social media and website creation, upcoming study sessions online together
  2. Elections 
    1. Exiting Office 
      1. Motion to exit office – JuD/NB
      2. BIRT all SSD Council Members step down from their respective positions as per their terms of office.
        1. Motion carries.
    1. Elections 
      1. Motion to appoint an Electoral Officer and Scrutineer. 
        1. SP and NK are nominated, respectively.
      2. Nominations open for President/Chairperson.
        1. NB was nominated to Chairperson by acclamation.
      3. Nominations open for Treasurer.
        1. ES is nominated to Treasurer by acclamation.
      4. Nominations open for UVSS Representative.
        1. Delicia is nominated to UVSS Representative by acclamation.
      5. Nominations open for Graduate Student Representative.
        1. S is nominated by acclamation.
      6. Nominations open for International Student Representative.
        1. Position to remain Vacant
      7. Nominations open for Student Liaison.
        1. JuD is nominated by acclamation.
      8. Nominations open for Council Members at Large (six positions).
        1. Grace, JG, JD, NBa, DB and JB nominated to General Member at Large by acclamation.
      9. Secretary 
        1. Rowan is nominated to Secretary by acclamation.
    2. Motion to ratify the results of the election. 
  1. Procedural note: Once an Electoral Officer and Scrutineer are appointed, the Electoral Officer will preside over nominations and elections. Once nominations for each position are complete, each candidate will have two minutes to speak. The audience then may direct questions to all candidates. Once question period is complete, the Electoral Officer will call for votes digitally and tally them with assistance from the Scrutineer. They will then announce the results. They will preside over the vote to ratify the election results, after which the Chair will resume control of the meeting. Only the SSD Coordinators, UVSS Executive Director, or the Director of Student Affairs are eligible to be appointed Electoral Officer and Scrutineer.
  2. .
  3. Motions for Consideration 
    1. Special Resolutions 
      1. Motion to amend Bylaw #4 Council – NB/JuD
        1. BIRT Bylaw #4 Council is amended such that Remuneration for Council Members is struck in its entirety as follows:
        3. Council may approve payment of remuneration to the Chairperson or Treasurer on such terms and conditions as Council may determine. Where Council approves the payment of remuneration under article 40, it will promptly notify Members of its decision.
          1. Motion carries.
      2. Motion to amend Bylaw #3 Meetings – NB/JuD
        1. BIRT Bylaw #3 Meetings is amended as follows:
        2. The quorum for the conduct of business at a meeting of Council is 3 5 Council members, two of whom must be executive officers.
          1. Motion carries.
      3. Motion to amend Bylaw #4 Council – NB/S
        1. BIRT Bylaw #4 Council is amended as follows:
        2. Student Liaison/Resource Person.
        3. BIFRT all references to the position of Student Liaison/Resource Person in the Constitution and Bylaws are amended to reflect the change in job title.
          1. Motion carries.
      4. Motion to amend Bylaw #1 Interpretation – S/Delicia
        1. BIRT Bylaw #1 Interpretation is amended to include the following at the beginning of the section:
        2. In accordance with the Society’s usual practice, the pronoun ‘they’ shall be used in place of he or she in these Bylaws.
        3. BIFRT the Bylaws are amended such that all instances of “he or she” are replaced with “they”.
          1. Motion carries.
      5. Motion to amend Bylaw #4 Council and Bylaw #6 Duties and Responsibilities of the Council – DB/S
        1. BIRT Bylaw #4 Council is amended to include the following after 41. Student Liaison:
        2. Secretary 
        3. BIFRT Bylaw #6 Duties and Responsibilities of the Council is amended to include the following after the listed duties of the Student Liaison.
        4. The secretary shall be responsible for: Taking minutes at all SSD Council meetings Ensuring that updated governing documents and Council meeting minutes are available to the regular membership in a timely manner 
        5. Note: If this motion passes, an election may be held for this position at the end of Section 6. a. Special Resolutions.
          1. Motion carries.
      6. Motion to amend Bylaw #6 Duties and Responsibilities of the Council – DB/Delicia
        1. BIRT Bylaw #6 Duties and Responsibilities of the Council is amended as follows:
        2. The Treasurer will be the financial officer and an executive officer of the Society … The UVSS Constituency Representative will be the representative of the Society on the UVSS Board and an executive officer of the Society … 
        3. The Society may ratify the Student Liaison and/or the Secretary as fourth and/or fifth executive officers at a Council Meeting with their consent.
          1. Motion carries.
      7. Motion to amend Bylaw #4 Council – DB/S
        1. BIRT Bylaw #4 Council is amended as follows:
        2. If following an annual general meeting a position on Council remains vacant or a position subsequently becomes vacant due to the removal or resignation of the incumbent, Council may fill the position at any time with an eligible candidate hold a by-election at a Council meeting. 
        3. By-elections shall be advertised to the membership two weeks in advance. 
          1. Motion carries.
    2. General Resolutions 
      1. Motion to amend the Bylaws for Continuity – S/JuD
        1. BIRT the Bylaws are amended to remove all references to the Law
        2. Students Representative, Engineering Students Representative and Education Students Representative.
        3. BIFRT the Bylaws are amended to replace all instances of “Board” with “Council” when referring to the SSD Council.
        4. BIFRT the Bylaws are amended to renumber all Bylaws and Articles in the order they appear to adjust for added and removed articles over the years.
          1. Motion carries.
  4. Discussion 
  5. Committee Creation and Appointments 
    1. Tabled to next meeting.
  6. Adjournment at 5:39pm


Minutes – February 10th, 2021

Society for Students with Disabilities

Attendance: ES, NB, S, DB, JuD, JD

Staff: FL, NS, SP


  1.   Call to Order at 5:20pm
  2.   Territory Acknowledgement
  3.   We acknowledge with respect the Lekwungen peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.
  • ES and S acknowledge the territories.
  1. Adoption of Agenda – Motion 2021.01.27:01 — NB/JuD
    • BIRT the agenda for 2021, 10th Feb be adopted.

   Motion to amend the agenda: NB/JD

Add Motion 3 to Priority Business. 

Motion to amend carries.

        Motion to adopt the agenda as amended carries.


Motion 2021.01.27:02 — JuD/S

BIRT the minutes for January 27th be ratified.

Motion to ratify Jan 27th, 2021 minutes carries.

  1.   Main Motions
  2.   Priority Business
    1. Motion 2021.01.13: 03 – NB/DB
      BIRT the following motions are approved to bring to the SSD AGM on February 23, 2021:

“BIRT the following changes are made to the SSD Constitution:

Remuneration for Council Members is struck in its entirety. (Articles 40 and 41)

Quorum for Council meetings is amended from 3 to 5, two of which must be executive directors. (Articles 31)

All instances of ‘Board’ are changed to ‘Council’

The title of ‘Student Liaison/Resource person’ is changed to ‘Student Liaison’ and all references to this position are updated.

‘In accordance with the Society’s usual practice, the pronoun ‘they’ shall be used in place of he or she in these Bylaws is added to the start of Bylaw #1 Interpretation and all instances of ‘he or she’ are changed to ‘they’.

President/Chairperson, Treasurer, and UVSS Rep are specified as executive roles. Student Liaison may be ratified as a fourth executive position. The role of Secretary is added to Council Positions:


The secretary shall be responsible for:

Taking minutes at all SSD Council meetings

Ensuring that updated governing documents and Council meeting minutes are available to the regular membership in a timely manner

If following an annual general meeting a position on Council remains vacant or a position subsequently becomes vacant due to the removal or resignation of the incumbent, Council may hold a by-election at a Council meeting. By-elections shall be advertised to the membership two weeks in advance.’

Motion carries.


Motion 2021.01.13: 04: — JuD/JD

BIRT NS, the current Office Coordinator, and FL, as the current Education and Administrative Coordinator, are able to work between 20 and 35 hours based on individual disability and accommodation needs and SSD workflow to be arranged between the SSD chair and/or SSD Rep until Dec 31/2021.

BIFRT SP, as the current Research and Communications Coordinator, is able to work between 10 and 25 hours based on individual disability and accommodation needs and SSD workflow to be arranged between the SSD chair and/or SSD Rep until Dec 31/2021.

    Motion carries.

  1.   Discussion
  2.   Priority Discussion
  3.   Reports
  4.  Council Members
    1. Chairperson – ES – 
    2. Treasurer – DB
    3. UVSS Representative – NB
    4. Student Liaison — JG – absent
    5. Graduate Student Representative – S 
    6. International Student Representative – vacant
    7. General Member at Large – NBa – absent
    8. General Member at Large – TW – absent
    9. General Member at Large – JD
    10. General Member at Large – JuD – events could be shared via social media
    11. General Member at Large – JB – absent
    12. General Member at Large – vacant
    13. Staff report – NS, FL, SP

BC disability alliance workshops: May 2021 and Feb 2022 

  1.   Meeting Times
    1.   Next Council Meeting: AGM FEB 23rd FROM 4-6PM
    2. Next Executive Meeting: Possibly budget review on the 12th
    3. AGM: FEB 23rd from 4-6PM
  2.   Adjournment at 6:27pm