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May 28, 2021 

SSD SGM Minutes 

Attendance: NB, H, LT, DJ, D, GB, JD, JuD

Staff: FL, SP, and N

  1. Call to Order and Appointment of Chair 
    • Meeting called to order at 6:06pm PST
    • NB nominated as chair
  2. Acknowledgement of Territories 
    • We acknowledge with respect the Lekwungen peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.
    • NB, H, and SP acknowledge the Territories
  3. Adoption of Agenda and Ratification of the Minutes 
    • Ratification of the minutes for February 23, 2021. – DJ/H
      • Motion carries
    • Adoption of the agenda for May 28, 2021 – H/DJ
      • Motion carries
  4. Reports 
    • Executive Officers
      • i. Chairperson — NB – Access4All Campaign, Board Training, Approved SSD Annual Budget, finished term as UVSS Rep in April (now DJ)
      • ii. Treasurer — ES / JG – Absent (via NB: Approved SSD Annual Budget)
      • iii. UVSS Representative — DJ – Absent
      • iv. Student Liaison — JuD – (via NB: lead on Access4All), Mental Health Recovery Partners (previously BCSS): Wellness Recovery and Action Plan
  5. Elections
    • Motion to appoint an Electoral Officer and Scrutineer. 
      • BIRT SP is appointed as Electoral Officer and N as Scrutineer – H/JD
      • Motion carries.
    • Nominations open for Graduate Student Representative
      • Position to remain vacant.
    • Nominations open for International Student Representative
      • H is nominated to International Student Representative by acclamation.
    • Nominations open for Secretary
      • Position to remain vacant.
    • Nominations open for Council Member at Large
      • B is nominated for Council Member at Large by acclamation.
    • Motion to ratify the results of the election. H/GB
      • Motion carries.
    • Procedural note: Once an Electoral Officer and Scrutineer are appointed, the Electoral Officer will preside over nominations and elections. Once nominations for each position are complete, each candidate will have two minutes to speak. The audience then may direct questions to all candidates. Once question period is complete, the Electoral Officer will call for votes digitally and tally them with assistance from the Scrutineer. They will then announce the results. They will preside over the vote to ratify the election results, after which the Chair will resume control of the meeting. Only the SSD Coordinators, UVSS Executive Director, or the Director of Student Affairs are eligible to be appointed Electoral Officer and Scrutineer.
  6. Motions for Consideration 
    1. Special Resolutions 
      1. Motion to amend Bylaw #1 Interpretation – GB/H
        1. BIRT Bylaw #1 Interpretation is amended to include the following:
        2. “Incoming students” means any person who has received an admissions offer from UVic that is currently valid and who has not accepted an admissions offer from another institution.
        3. Motion carries.
      2. Motion to amend Bylaw #1 Interpretation – D/GB
        1. BIRT Bylaw #1 Interpretation is amended to include the following: 
        2. “Returning students” means any former fee-paying member of the UVSS or GSS with the intent to return to accredited UVic classes within 18 months of their last semester as a UVSS or GSS member. 
        3. Motion carries.
      3. Motion to amend Bylaw #1 Interpretation – H/JD
        1. BIRT Bylaw #1 Interpretation  is amended as follows: 
        2. “UVIC Community” means current, incoming, and returning students, faculty, and staff of UVIC and includes any constituency or other groups on campus.
        3. Motion carries.
      4. Motion to amend Bylaw #2 Membership – H/JD
        1. BIRT Bylaw #2 Membership is amended as follows: 
        2. Associate Members include anyone who:
        3. is an alumni member of the Society; or
        4. is an incoming student who identifies as a student with a disability; or
        5. is a returning student who identifies as a student with a disability; or
        6. is a member of the UVIC Community and is accepted by the Council of the Society as an Associate Member
        7. Motion carries.
  7. Adjournment at 7:00pm

May 14, 2021

SSD Council Meeting Minutes

Present: NB, JG, JuD, Z, JD, GB

Staff/Workstudy: SP, FL, LT

  1. Call to Order at 6:09pm
  2. Territory Acknowledgement
    • We acknowledge with respect the Lekwungen peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.
    • NB acknowledges the territories.
  3. Ratification of Minutes – JuD/JD
    • Council Meeting Minutes of 2021/04/23
    • Meeting minutes ratified via consensus
  4. Adoption of Agenda – JD/JuD
    • Agenda of 2021/05/14
    • Motion to Amend the Agenda – NB/JD
    • BIRT the following topics will be added as discussion points:
      • Discussion item: UPass Appeals Committee
      • Discussion item: new and incoming students
      • Motion to amend the agenda carries
    • Motion to adopt the agenda as amended carries.
  5. Reports
    • Council Members
      • i. Chairperson – NB – Access4All meetings, UVSS Board training
      • ii. Treasurer – ES – Absent
      • iii. UVSS Representative – DJ – Absent
      • iv. Student Liaison – JuD – Access4All meetings and survey,
      • v. Graduate Student Representative – Vacant
      • vi. International Student Representative – Vacant
      • vii. General Member at Large – DB – Absent
      • viii. General Member at Large – GB
      • ix. General Member at Large – JG – Access4All
      • x. General Member at Large – JD
      • xi. General Member at Large – NBa – Absent
      • xii. General Member at Large – Vacant
      • xiii. Secretary – Vacant
    • Staff Reports:
      • FL: June workshops, Upcoming meetings and events
      • SP: Access4All, Crafternoon starting 25th May, June workshops, website update and social media meetings with DJ (pls do the google forms if you haven’t it helps so much), Games night, going to review food program
      • NS:
  6. Campaign Reports:
    • Access4All Campaign – JuD & JG
  7. Main Motions
    • Priority Business
      • Motion 2021/05/14: 01 – NB/JG
      • BIRT the SSD ratifies NS as a signing authority of the SSD.
      • BIFRT the SSD removes SP from the approved list of signing authorities of the SSD.
        • Motion carries.
    • New Business
    • Old Business
  8. Discussion
    • Priority Discussion 
      • Discussion Point 2021/05/14: 01 – NB
        • Council Member bios for website
        • SP to reach out to Council re: this
      • Discussion Point 2021/05/14: 02 – DJ and SP
      • Discussion Point 2021/05/14: 03 – NB
        • Discord activity/logistics
        • SP to figure this out a bit – she has a couple of directions to go
      • Discussion Point 2021/05/14: 04 – NB
        • SGM Planning & Agenda
        • Associate members definition in Constitution
        • Incoming students: have received an admissions offer from UVic that is currently valid and has not accepted an admissions offer from another institution.
        • Returning students: Returning student; previous fee-paying UVSS or GSS member of the SSD with the intent to return to accredited UVic classes within 18 months.
        • Motion 2021:05:14: 02 – JuD/JG
        • BIRT the definitions for “Returning students” and “Incoming students”, above, be voted on in the SGM agenda in order to include the definitions in Bylaw #:1 Interpretation and Bylaw #2: Membership.
          • Motion carries.
        • Motion 2021:05:14: 03 – JG/JuD
        • BIRT the May 28th, 2021 SGM agenda includes the following motion:
          • BIRT Bylaw #1 in the SSD Constitution will have the following changes: UVic Community; “current, incoming, and returning students”.
          • Motion carries.
        • Motion 2021:05:14: 04 – JuD/JD
        • BIRT the May 28th, 2021 SGM agenda consists of the following sections in the agenda: by-elections for the 4 positions, reports from exec members, motions to change bylaws.
          • Motion carries.
      • Discussion Point 2021/05/14: 05 – NB
        • UPass Appeals Committee
      • Discussion Point 2021/05/14: 06 – Z
        • New and incoming students
    • New Discussion
    • Old Discussion
  9. In Camera
    • Personnel Report
    • Funding Request Review
  10. Meeting Times
    • SGM May 28th, 6-8pm
  11. Adjournment at 8:10pm

SSD Special General Meeting Agenda

May 28, 2021, 6pm, Zoom Meeting

  1. Call to Order and Appointment of Chair 
  2. Acknowledgement of Territories 
  3. Adoption of Agenda and Ratification of the Minutes 
    • Adoption of the agenda for May 28, 2021.
    • Ratification of the minutes for February 23, 2021.
  4. Reports 
    • Executive Officers
      • Chairperson — NB
      • Treasurer — ES / JG
      • UVSS Representative — DJ
      • Student Liaison — JuD
  1. Elections
    • Motion to appoint an Electoral Officer and Scrutineer. 
      • Nominations open for Graduate Student Representative
      • Nominations open for International Student Representative
      • Nominations open for Secretary
      • Nominations open for Council Member at Large
    • Motion to ratify the results of the election. 
      • Procedural note: Once an Electoral Officer and Scrutineer are appointed, the Electoral Officer will preside over nominations and elections. Once nominations for each position are complete, each candidate will have two minutes to speak. The audience then may direct questions to all candidates. Once question period is complete, the Electoral Officer will call for votes digitally and tally them with assistance from the Scrutineer. They will then announce the results. They will preside over the vote to ratify the election results, after which the Chair will resume control of the meeting. Only the SSD Coordinators, UVSS Executive Director, or the Director of Student Affairs are eligible to be appointed Electoral Officer and Scrutineer.
  1. Motions for Consideration 
  2. Special Resolutions 
    • Motion to amend Bylaw #1 Interpretation
    • BIRT Bylaw #1 Interpretation is amended to include the following: “Incoming students” means any person who has received an admissions offer from UVic that is currently valid and who has not accepted an admissions offer from another institution.
    • Motion to amend Bylaw #1 Interpretation
    • BIRT Bylaw #1 Interpretation is amended to include the following: “Returning students” means any former fee-paying member of the UVSS or GSS with the intent to return to accredited UVic classes within 18 months of their last semester as a UVSS or GSS member.
    • Motion to amend Bylaw #1 Interpretation
    • BIRT Bylaw #1 Interpretation  is amended as follows: “UVIC Community” means current, incoming, and returning students, faculty, and staff of UVIC and includes any constituency or other groups on campus.
    • Motion to amend Bylaw #2 Membership
    • BIRT Bylaw #2 Membership is amended as follows: Associate Members include anyone who:
      • is an alumni member of the Society; or
      • is an incoming student who identifies as a student with a disability; or
      • is a returning student who identifies as a student with a disability; or
      • is a member of the UVIC Community and is accepted by the Council of the Society as an Associate Member
  1. Adjournment