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August 10, 2021 

Postponed to August 16, 2021

SSD Council Meeting Minutes

Attendance: NB, JuD, HB, JD

Staff: FL, SP, NS, LT

  1.  Call to Order at 6:15
  2. Territory Acknowledgement
    • We acknowledge with respect the Lekwungen peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.
  3. Adoption of Agenda & Ratification of Minutes
    • Ratification of Minutes
      • Council Meeting Minutes of 2021/07/20
    • Adoption of Agenda
      • Agenda of 2021/08/10
  4. Reports
    • Council Members
      • i. Chairperson – NB: Co-op report for accessibility of ELW
      • ii. Interim Treasurer – JB (absent)
      • iii. UVSS Representative – DJ (absent)
      • iv. Student Liaison – JuD 
      • v. Graduate Student Representative – Vacant
      • vi. International Student Representative – HB: #A4A panel captioning; Discord – ‘how to discord’ & moderators
      • vii. General Member at Large – B (absent)
      • viii. General Member at Large – DB (absent)
      • ix. General Member at Large – GB (absent)
      • x. General Member at Large – JD
      • xii. General Member at Large – NBa (absent)
      • xiii. Treasurer (on leave) – ES (on leave)
      • xiv. Secretary – Vacant
    • Staff Reports:
      • FL: Campus Kick-Off & Clubs and Course Union: volunteers, QR codes, prize packs (draw); Fall plans & office hours; work study; what is online and what is in office; meeting w/ exec: budget meeting and programming; CAL Info Session posters to go out – call to boost registration
      • SP: Reports for staff (following staff & exec meeting) – to meet again; reports for attendance for online programming (past and ongoing) – continue for in-person; feedback forms for events; prep for CKO & CCU; QR code (newsletter, prize package, opportunities, etc.); Access for All; sent email for tabling volunteers
      • NS: Office for Student Life: case-worker: new students campus housing – disability declaration and priorities; Department managers meeting tomorrow; end of Good Food box at end of Aug
      • LT: will be looking into data-collection for Discord channel, in contact with FL and SP for future events
  5. Campaign Reports:
    • Access4All
  6. Main Motions
    • Priority Business
      • Motion 2021/08/10: 01- JuD/HB
        • BIRT the SSD allows up to a total of $750 towards ZAP printing cards for the fall semester, 2021, where up to 50 cards, each with 15$, are given to SSD community members, to replace the previously-offered free printing service for students in the SSD Office/Lounge.
        • BIFRT a 1-page policy document summarizing the intention, student eligibility, and access logistics will be created and made available on the SSD website and social media. 
        • Motion is moved and seconded without quorum. Voting on the motion was passed via email.
      • Motion 2021/08/10: 02 – JD/JuD
        • BIRT approves an expenditure of up to $1,250 on the Pic-nic event on Friday, September 3rd, to account for the photographer and event attendee meals.
        • For a 3 hr event, the photographer would provide professional headshots, group photos, and photos of the surrounding UVic campus ($700) whereas the meals are calculated at $30/person for 15 people. Another $100 is added for any unforeseen costs and logistics. 
        • Motion is moved and seconded without quorum. Voting on the motion was passed via email.
    • New Business
    • Old Business
      • Motion 2021/07/08:02 – JB
        • BIRT the SSD opens elections for the following positions on the Access4All Working Group:
        • One Secretary
        • One Member at Large
  7. Discussion
    • Priority Discussion
      • Discussion Point 2021/08/10:01 – FL
        • WRAP update
        • Meeting to this week (Thurs)
        • Posters & handouts for Sept.
        • Next: registration (12 spots)
      • Discussion Point 2021/08/10:02 – FL
        • CC Garden plot in the fall – FL
        • Raised garden; own garden party
        • Potential rock painting, pumpkin carving
        • No waste; unused goes to Food Bank
        • No internet access out there; is it possible to do online (live)?
        • Hold the event closer to internet access?
        • Phone w/ data for live streaming?
  8. In Camera
    • Personnel Report
    • Funding Request Review
  9. Meeting Times
    • Doodle poll sent out to determine fall, 2021 Council meeting times
  10. Adjournment at 6:55pm PDT