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April 23, 2021 

SSD Council Meeting Minutes

Attendance: NB, JD, JuD, DJ and JG

Staff: FL & SP

  1. Call to Order at 6:05pm
  2. Territory Acknowledgement 
    • We acknowledge with respect the Lekwungen peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.
    • NB and SP acknowledge the territories.
  3. Ratification of Minutes 
    • Council Meeting Minutes of 2021/04/09
      • Motion carries.
  4. Adoption of Agenda 
    • Agenda of 2021/04/23 – JuD/JG
      • Motion to amend the agenda – JG/JuD
      • BIRT a discussion point about meeting times this summer is added.
        • Motion to amend the agenda carries.
      •     Motion to adopt the agenda as amended carries.
  5. Presentations & Announcements 
    • Presentations 
    • Announcements
  6. Reports 
    • Council Members 
      • i. Chairperson – NB (Last UVSS meeting was this week)
      • ii. Treasurer – ES (vacant)
      • iii. UVSS Representative – DJ (onboarding next week)
      • iv. Student Liaison – JuD (Access for All in the Fall review, Doodlepolls in Discord)
      • v. Graduate Student Representative – Vacant
      • vi. International Student Representative – Vacant
      • vii. General Member at Large – DB (Absent)
      • viii. General Member at Large – GB (Absent)
      • ix. General Member at Large – JG
      • x. General Member at Large – JD
      • xi. General Member at Large – NBa (Absent)
      • xii. General Member at Large – Vacant
      • xiii. Secretary – Vacant
    • Staff Reports: 
      • FL: Upcoming events in May, Poster runs with SP to bolster attendance, Tea and Game Socials picking up since exams
      • SP: Posting events, Work Study switchover, Crafternoon possibilities (Stress management, Journal workshop??)
  7. Main Motions 
    • Priority Business 
    • New Business 
    • Old Business
  8. Discussion 
    • Priority Discussion 
      • Discussion Point 2021/04/23: 01 – JuD 
        • Fall class accessibility
        • Survey to send people about positive aspects of online class access, If anyone has questions
      • Discussion Point 2021/04/23: 02 – JuD 
        • Community needs survey
      • Discussion Point 2021/04/23: 03 – DJ
        • Forming a marketing/social media committee
        • SP and DJ to meet and discuss what to bring to next Council meetings
      • Discussion Point 2021/04/23: 04 – SP
        • Determining Council meeting times this summer
    • New Discussion 
    • Old Discussion
  9. In Camera 
    1. Personnel Report 
    2. Funding Request Review
  10. Meeting Times
    1. NB will send out poll for May meetings
  11. Adjournment at 6:50pm

SSD Council Meeting Minutes

Attendance: NB, JuD, DJ, GB, and JD

Staff: SP, FL

  1. Call to Order at 4:06pm
  2. Territory Acknowledgement
    • We acknowledge with respect the Lekwungen peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.
      •    NB acknowledges the territories.
  3. Ratification of Minutes
    • Council Meeting Minutes of 2021/03/31
      • Motion to ratify last JuD/DJ
        • Motion carries.
  4. Adoption of Agenda
    • Agenda of 2021/04/09
      • Motion to adopt the agenda – DJ/JuD
        • Motion to amend and add the following:
        • BIRT the SSD ratifies S’s official resignation from the SSD Graduate Student Representative
          • Motion to amend carries.
        • Motion to adopt the agenda as amended carries.
  5. Presentations & Announcements
  6. Reports
    • Council Members
      • Chairperson – NB
      • Treasurer – ES – absent
      • UVSS Representative – DJ
      • Student Liaison – JuD
      • Graduate Student Representative – S (resigned)
      • International Student Representative – Vacant
      • General Member at Large – DB
      • General Member at Large – GB
      • General Member at Large – JB (resigned)
      • General Member at Large – JG
      • General Member at Large – JD
      • General Member at Large – NBa
      • Secretary – vacant
    • Staff Reports:
      • FL
      • SP: Weekly study group, Tuesday Crafternoons, Games Night,  Workstudy shifting, BC Disability Alliance workshops, Budget in on time, Website contacts, and Fall-Online campaign
  7. Main Motions
    • Priority Business
      • Motion 2021/04/09: 01 – NB/JuD
        • BIRT the SSD accepts the resignation of JB as a Member at Large.
          • Motion carries.
      • Motion 2021/04/09: 02NB/Delicia
        • BIRT the SSD ratifies S’s official resignation from the SSD Graduate Student Representative.
          • Motion carries.
    • New Business
    • Old Business
  8. Discussion
    • Priority Discussion 
      • Discussion Point 2021/04/09: 01 – JuD
        • Monitoring the success of our programming
        • Program evaluation
        • How much does each program cost? (budget estimates)
        • How many people attend/use each program? (great idea)
        • How many staff hours go into facilitating each program? (depends on the program…
        • Feedback form – how did you hear about this program?
      • Discussion point 2021/04/09: 02 – JuD and GB
        • Advocacy work surrounding the return to in-person classes in the fall
        • Lobbying UVic to ensure that lecture live streaming and recording continues for students unable to return in person
        • Schedule and hold an official meeting open the the whole community to brainstorm + formal plan/statement  to lobby the university to provide equal options to students who can’t attend classes in person due to health reasons/the pandemic
        • Google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17bowmKY4yxBeBEs5hWsRM_Wbrs_dJ_-U?usp=sharing
        • Determine if we do safety vs cost/benefit vs liability/advertising vs accessibility vs accommodation
        • JuD to be the point person/lead on this campaign with SP as support:
      • Discussion Point 2021/04/09: 03 – FL
        • SSD physical office/lounge space
        • NB to make a post on Slack/Discord about a reminder that the office is closed, if you need anything to make an appointment with FL.
      • Discussion Point 2021/04/09: 04 – NB
        • SSD Council meeting times for the summer semester – NB to send out a doodle poll – for the first two meetings in May – after the by-election (end of May) determine meeting times for the rest of the semester
        • By-election date – second meeting in May – promote international students + graduate students specifically?
        • Anti-oppression training date – for early June
        • JuD to email contacts and CC’ NB
      • Discussion Point 2021/04/09: 05 – NB
        • Acceptance of Office forms
    • New Discussion
    • Old Discussion
  9. In Camera
    • Personnel Report
    • Funding Request Review
  10. Meeting Times
    • Next Council Meeting is April 23rd at 6pm
  11. Adjournment at 5:50pm

SSD Council Meeting Meeting Minutes

Attendance: NB, JG, DB, GB, and JuD

Staff: FL and SP

  1. Call to Order at 6:07pm
  2. Territory Acknowledgement 
    • We acknowledge with respect the Lekwungen peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.
    • NB acknowledges the territories
  3. Adoption of Agenda – 
    • Agenda of 2021/03/31 – JuD/JG
      • Motion to amend the agenda – NB/JuD
      • Include in “Priority Business” section: BIRT the SSD approves the 2021/2022 Budget.
        • Motion to amend carries.
    • Agenda as amended adopted by consensus.
  4.  Ratification of Minutes – JG/JuD
    • Council Meeting Minutes of 2021/03/12
      • Motion carries.
  5. Presentations & Announcements 
  6. Reports 
    • Council Members 
      • Chairperson – NB
      • Treasurer – ES
      • UVSS Representative – DJ
      • Student Liaison – JuD
      • Graduate Student Representative – S
      • International Student Representative – Vacant
      • General Member at Large – DB
      • General Member at Large – GB
      • General Member at Large – JB
      • General Member at Large – JG
      • General Member at Large – JD
      • General Member at Large – NBa
      • Secretary – vacant
    • Staff Reports: 
      • FL
      • SP
  7. Main Motions 
    • Priority Business 
      • Motion 2021/03/31: 01 – JG/JuD
        • BIRT the SSD approves the Advocacy Group Policy as attached in Appendix A.
        •         Motion carries.
      • Motion 2021/03/31: 02 – JG/JuD
        • BIRT the SSD approves $5000 toward the UVic Learning Assistance Program for the May to August Summer 2021 semester.
        • BIFRT the SSD approves $5000 towards the UVic Learning Assistance Program for the September to December Fall 2021 semester.
          • Motion carries.
      • Motion 2021/03.31: 03 – NB/JG
        • BIRT the SSD approves the 2021/2022 Budget.
          • Motion carries.
    • New Business 
    • Old Business 
  8. Discussion 
    • Priority Discussion 
      • Discussion Point 2021/03/31: 01 – FL
        • SSD physical lounge and office space reopening timeline.
        • Must give a report to Alannah by the end of April as to our open/closed timeline.
      • Motion 2021/31/03: 04 – JG/JuD
        • BIRT the SSD Council approves closing the physical SSD centre and respite room to the public for the Summer 2021 semester due to COVID-19 concerns.
          • Motion carries.
    • New Discussion 
    • Old Discussion 
  9. In Camera 
    • Personnel Report 
    • Funding Request Review 
  10. Meeting Times
    • Next Board Meeting is Friday, April 9th at 4pm
  11. Adjournment at 7:18pm