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July 20th, 2021

SSD Council Meeting Minutes

Attendance: NB, GB, HB, JG, JuD

Staff: NS, FL, and SP

  1. Call to Order at 6:03pm 
  2. Territory Acknowledgement
    • We acknowledge with respect the Lekwungen peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.
    • NB acknowledges the territories.
  3. Adoption of Agenda & Ratification of Minutes
    • Ratification of Minutes
      • Council Meeting Minutes of 2021/07/08
      • Meeting Minutes ratified by consensus.
    • Adoption of Agenda for July 20th, 2021
      • Agenda adopted by consensus.
  4. Reports
    • Council Members
      • i. Chairperson – NB
      • ii. Interim Treasurer – JG: A4A update
      • Motion to skip to Motions: GB/JG – carried by consensus.
      • iii. UVSS Representative – Delicia (absent)
      • iv. Student Liaison – JuD: A4A update; volunteer Victoria
      • v. Graduate Student Representative – Vacant
      • vi. International Student Representative – HB: A4A update; Discord
      • vii. General Member at Large – B (absent)
      • viii. General Member at Large – DB (absent)
      • ix. General Member at Large – GB (left early)
      • x. General Member at Large – JD (absent)
      • xi. General Member at Large – NBa (absent)
      • xii. Treasurer (on leave) – ES
      • xiii. Secretary – Vacant
    • Staff Reports:
      • FL: Return to in-person plan and staffing for Fall 2021; graphics; ZAP card program; programs in the fall
      • SP: Panel discussion webinar; Terms to Perms; website changes (last call for Council member bios??); Access4All movement & social media campaign; Pic-nic event; work study update with Improv night event 
      • NS: Planning for fall 2021; service availability; 1:1 support; meetings
  5. Campaign Reports:
    • Access4All
  6. Main Motions
    • Priority Business
      • Motion 2021/07/20: 01 – HB/JuD
        • BIRT the SSD sponsors in partnership with SOCC a mental health support program cohort for BIPOC students with disabilities in the amount of $3,200 for 8 sessions at $400 per session to cover the cost of a facilitator.
        • Motion carries.
      • Motion 2021/07/20: 02 – HB/JG
        • BIRT the SSD grant a $150 honorarium to three of the four panelists who spoke at the #Access4All: Perspectives on Equitable Access to Higher Education webinar that occurred on July 14th, 2021 for a total expenditure of $450. The fourth panelist will not accept an honorarium. 
        • This expenditure will be denoted under the Special Occasions cost code.
        • Beyond speaking at the 2-hour panel, each panelist was involved in a minimum of 4 additional hours of organizing and preparing for the webinar, sharing information, doing emotional labor, and bringing their lived-experience to the panel discussion.
        • Motion to amend the honoraria amount for three of the four panelists from $125 to $150 CAD – JG/HB
        • Motion to amend carries.
        • Abstained: JuD
        • Motion carries.
      • Motion 2021/07/20: 03 – JuD/HB
        • BIRT the SSD Council approves an expenditure of up to $______ for the “Pic-nic” event to occur on July 29th, which will cover the costs of a student photographer, professional headshots of the (consenting) Council and Staff members, photos of (consenting) Disabled students on UVic campus for website pictures, and food and activities for SSD Council, Staff and Community members.
          • Motion to table HB/JG
          • Motion carries via consensus.
    • New Business
      • Motion 2021/07/20:01 – JuD/HB
        • BIRT the SSD nominates two students to the Advisory Committee on Academic Accommodation and Access for Students with Disabilities.
        • JG and JuD nominated & acclaimed
        • SP is recommended by the SSD to the UVSS to partake in this committee as well.
    • Old Business
      • Motion 2021/07/08:02 – JG/JuD
        • BIRT the SSD opens elections for the following positions on the Access4All Working Group:
          • One Secretary
          • One Member at Large
          • One UVSS Representative (Q is nominated and ratified) 
  7. Discussion
    • Priority Discussion 
      • Discussion Point 2021/07/20: 01 – NB
        • National Educational Association of Disabled Students Webinars to hear from student governments and student leaders about their role on campus and how they support students with disabilities.
        • Opportunity to be a panelist. 
      • Discussion Point 2021/07/20:02 Nat
  8. In Camera

    • Personnel Report
    • Funding Request Review
  9. Meeting Times
  10. Adjourned at 7:31pm

July 8th, 2021

SSD Council Meeting Minutes

Attendance: NB, JG, JuD, JD, GB, NBa

Excused Absence: HB, DJ, B

Staff: FL and SP

  1. Call to Order
    • NB calls to un-quorate order at 6:15pm PST.
  2. Territory Acknowledgement
    • We acknowledge with respect the Lekwungen peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.
    • NB acknowledges the territories. 
  3. Adoption of Agenda & Ratification of Minutes
    • Ratification of Minutes
      • Council Meeting Minutes of 2021/06/17
    • Adoption of Agenda for July 7th, 2021
      • Addition of discussion items: Mental Health Initiative with SOCC and Pride
  4. Reports
    • Council Members
      • i. Chairperson – NB: Hiring committee for SSD Office Coordinator; UVSS Equity Diversity and Inclusion Audit
      • ii. Interim Treasurer – JG: Access4All – meetings, administrative, strategy; Started term on UVic Board of Governors. 
      • iii. UVSS Representative – DJ
      • iv. Student Liaison – JuD: Covered in discussion items
      • v. Graduate Student Representative – Vacant
      • vi. International Student Representative – HB (absent)
      • vii. General Member at Large – B (absent)
      • viii. General Member at Large – DB 
      • ix. General Member at Large – GB
      • x. General Member at Large – JD (absent)
      • xi. General Member at Large – NBa
      • xii. Treasurer (on leave) – ES
      • xiii. Secretary – Vacant
        • Meeting reached quorum at 6:25 pm.
    • Staff Reports:
      • FL: Finishing up Botanical Drawings workshop on the 12th; Dates solidified with WRAP program this fall (online); Office Coordinator position has been filled – N accepted job offer. 
      • SP: Upcoming July 14th panel event for Access4All; Petition for #Access4All; http://chng.it/B7h6mzB9xt​ – petition for #Access4A; Photo “pic”-nic event July 29th (budget needs to be passed for photographer and food, etc.); Website update; Mailchimp email sent today
      • NS
  5. Main Motions
    • Priority Business
      • Motion 2021/07/08: 01 – JuD/JG
        • WHEREAS it is a priority of the SSD Council to ensure that SSD Center, in the Student Union Building, remains a safer space to imuno-compromised students, those who are medically unable to get vaccinated, and those for whom the vaccine has reduced efficiency due to medical conditions, and;
        • WHEREAS fully vaccinated individuals are still capable of contracting and transmitting COVID-19:
        • BIRT the SSD requires masks to be worn upon entering and while within the SSD Center, including the office and student lounge, regardless of individual vaccination status. Students who are unable to wear a mask due to a medical condition, physical or mental impairment, and students who are unable to put on and remove a mask without assistance, are exempt from this requirement. Incompatible access needs for students accessing the SSD space will be managed on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of SSD Staff. 
        • This requirement will be clearly posted at the entrance to the SSD Center in the SUB. 
        • Motion to amend – GB. Adopted by consensus. 
        • Motion carries. 
    • New Business
    • Old Business
      • Motion 2021/07/08:02 – JG/JuD
        • BIRT the SSD opens elections for the following positions on the Access4All Working Group:
          • One Secretary
          • Two Members at Large
          • One UVSS Representative
          • One International Student Representative
        • HB is nominated for one of the members at large positions. 
        • Motion to add International Student Rep as a position to the Access4All Working Group – JG
        • Motion carries by consensus. 
        • JF is nominated for the position of International Student Representative.
        • JF and HB are ratified as members of the working group. 
        • Motion to add to agenda – JuD/JG
        • Adopted by consensus
      • Motion 2021/07/08: 03 – JD/JuD
        • BIRT Motion 2021/06/17: 07 is amended to increase the approved cost from $2700 to $3300 in order to raise the number of program participants to 12 and to cover the cost of two info-sessions. The amended motion reads as follows:
        • BIRT the SSD Council approves $3300 to run one iteration of the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) for a maximum registration of 12 students with the Mental Health Recovery Partners for early Fall 2021. This cost includes two info-sessions. 
        • Motion carries.
      • Motion to ratify minutes of 2021/06/17: JG/JD
        • Motion carries. 
  6. Discussion
    • Priority Discussion 
      • Discussion Point 2021/07/08: 01 – JuD
      • Discussion Point 2021/07/08: 02 – JuD
        • Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) with the Mental Health Recovery Partners
        • 2 info sessions (online) Sept 20th at 3:30pm, and Sept 23rd at 3:30pm
        • October 6th-November 17th (skip Nov 11th week)
        • Booster session
        • Poll for review of the program to participants 
      • Discussion Point 2021/07/08: 03 – JuD
      • Discussion Point 2021/07/08: 04 – FL 
        • Mental Health Initiative with SOCC and Pride
        • 1 session per month for 8 months (but not Wednesday)
        • Sept-April peer support group for BIPOC students with mental health barriers led by a trauma-informed individual
        • $3,200 to set up facilitator 
  7. Motion to move in camera – JG/NBa
  8. In Camera
    • Personnel Report
    • Funding Request Review
      • Motion 2021/07/08: 03 – JuD/JD
        • BIRT the SSD approves an expenditure of $7,000 towards the purchase of the following adaptive technology for the SSD Office Coordinator, NS:
          • Adaptive software, including both text-to-speech and speech-to-text functions.
          • A laptop computer with the capacity to smoothly run this adaptive software simultaneously with resource-intensive office management and administration software. Must also have quality video and audio recording and streaming capacity.
          • Electronic accessories for this computer, including but not limited to charging and adaptor cords, a battery block, external storage, and an ergonomic wireless mouse.
          • Office administrative software, including but not limited to Microsoft Office Suite and Adobe Acrobat.
          • Motion carries. 
  9. Meeting Times
    • Next Council Meeting: Tuesday July 20th, 6pm to 8pm PST
  10. Adjournment at 7:35pm