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October 21, 2021

SSD Council Meeting Minutes

Attendance: DJ, HB, NBa, C

Staff: FL and SP

  1. Call to Order at 3:01pm
  2. Land Acknowledgement
    • We acknowledge with respect the Lekwungen peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.
  3. Adoption of Agenda & Ratification of Minutes
    • Ratification of August 26th, 2021 minutes
    • Adoption of agenda for October 21st, 2021
      • Agenda is adopted by consensus.
  4. Reports
    • Council Members
      • i. Interim co-chairs – JuD (absent) and DJ
      • ii. Treasurer – HB
      • iii. Student Liaison – JuD (absent)
      • iv. UVSS Representative – DJ
      • v. Graduate Student Representative – vacant
      • vi. International Student Representative – HB
      • vii. General Member at Large – NBa (absent)
      • viii. General Member at Large – JD (absent)
      • ix. General Member at Large – GB (absent)
      • x. General Member at Large – DB (absent)
      • xi. General Member at Large – C
      • xii. General Member at Large – B (absent)
      • xiii. General Member at Large – JG (absent)
      • xiv. General Member at Large – vacant
    • Staff
      • SP – ZAP card update, Workshops with JuD and council training modules
      • FL – Meeting with HB as the Treasurer, 
      • NS – absent
  5. Main Motions
    • Priority Business
      • BIRT DJ to step down as Chair for the following motion, motion 01, HB accepts chair position for this meeting business.
        • Motion carries.
      • Motion 2021/10/21: 01 – DJ
        • WHEREAS the SSD has had a shift in board positions and NBa is on leave until November 30th, 2021 we would like to update signing authorities to reflect the current board to support daily workflow of staff and board; therefore,
        • BIRT HB and JuD are added as signing authorities as of October 21st, 2021.
        • Motion carries.
      • Motion 2021/10/21: 02 –
        • WHEREAS SP was previously working solely remotely and, as of Oct 22nd, now will be regularly in the SSD office, we would like to update staff signing authorities to reflect staff weekly workflow; therefore,
        • BIRT SP is added as a signing authority as of October 21st, 2021.
        • Motion tabled for further discussion.
    • New Business
    • Old Business
  6. Discussion
    1. 2021/10/21: 01 – BOARD DINNER (DECEMBER):
      1.  Online versus In person
      2. Uber eats as a possibility as a group
      3. Date and Time
      4. January? 
      5. DJ 
  7. Open Discussion

September 28th, 2021

SSD SGM Minutes

Attendance: JD, NB, B, HB, JuD, DJ, C, DB, NBa

Staff: FL, NS, SP

  1. Call to Order and Appointment of Chair 
    • Called to order at 4:04pm 
    • NB appointed as chair by consensus
  2. Acknowledgement of Territories
    • NB acknowledges the territories 
    • HB acknowledges moving towards truth and reconciliation
  3. Adoption of Agenda and Ratification of the Minutes – HB/JuD
    • Ratification of SGM minutes – May 28, 2021
    • Adoption of today’s, Sept 28th, 2021, SGM agenda
      • Motion to adopt today’s agenda carries
  4. Reports 
    • Executive Officers
      • i. Chairperson – NB
      • ii. Treasurer (JG, interim Treasurer) – Absent
      • iii. UVSS Representative – DJ
        • ARC collaboration and anti-racist work
      • iv. Student Liaison – JuD
        • A4A, WRAP, and volunteers
  5. Elections
    • Motion to appoint an Electoral Officer and Scrutineer. 
      • Procedural note: Once an Electoral Officer and Scrutineer are appointed, the Electoral Officer will preside over nominations and elections. Once nominations for each position are complete, each candidate will have two minutes to speak. The audience then may direct questions to all candidates. Once question period is complete, the Electoral Officer will call for votes digitally and tally them with assistance from the Scrutineer. They will then announce the results. They will preside over the vote to ratify the election results, after which the Chair will resume control of the meeting. Only the SSD Coordinators, UVSS Executive Director, or the Director of Student Affairs are eligible to be appointed Electoral Officer and Scrutineer.
      • FL and NS are nominated as Electoral Officer and Scrutineer, respectively.
    • Nominations open for Graduate Student Representative
      • Position to remain vacant
    • Nominations open for Secretary
      • Position to remain vacant
    • Nominations open for Treasurer
      • HB nominated successfully as SSD Treasurer.
    • Motion to ratify the results of the election – JuD/NBa
      • Motion carries.
    • Nominations open for General Member at Large
      • C is successfully nominated as an SSD General Member at Large.
    • Motion to ratify results of the election – HB/JD
      • Motion carries.
  6. Motions for Consideration 
    • BIRT the SSD Council includes 2 more General Members at Large positions – B/JD
      • Motion carries.
    • BIRT the SSD Constitution is amended to reflect quorum for Council Meetings is 50% + 1 of the current Council membership.
    • Motion to amend Motion 6b. To the following, below – HB/NBa
      • BIRT the SSD Constitution is amended to reflect quorum for Council Meetings is ⅓  of the current active Council membership, rounded up to the nearest integer. – filled council positions
      • Motion to amend motion 6b. By consensus
      • Amended motion carries.
    • BIRT NB takes a leave of absence from the position of Chairperson, effective until November 30th, 2021 – JD/HB
    • BIFRT DJ is appointed as interim co-Chairperson until Nov. 30 by acclamation.
    • BIFRT JuD is appointed as interim co-Chairperson until Nov. 30 by acclamation.
    • Nominations and results for co-Chairperson ratified.
  7. Adjournment at 4:55pm PST