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November 9th, 2021

SSD Council Meeting Minutes

Present: JG, C, JD, JuD, DJ, HB, B

Staff: FL, NS, SP

  1.   Call to Order at 4:05pm
  2.   Territory Acknowledgement
    •   We acknowledge with respect the Lekwungen peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.
    • JuD acknowledges the territories.
  3.   Adoption of Agenda & Ratification of Minutes
    •   Motion 2021.11.09 – JG/C
      • BIRT the agenda for 2021.11.09 be adopted
      • Agenda adopted by consensus.
    • Motion 2021.11.09 – JD/C
  4. Reports
    • Council
      •  i. Chairperson – JuD/DJ (interim) – busy busy, strategic planning as possibility late in the month (contact JuD if you are interested in Strategic planning)
      • ii. Treasurer – HB (interim) – Working on finance process and some related policy
      • iii. UVSS Representative – DJ
      • iv. Student Liaison – JuD – WRAP program with 10 ppl finishing soon, possibly other groups in future WRAP events
      • v. Graduate Student Representative – vacant
      • vi. International Student Representative – HB – Discord moderator (no concerns), setting up finance protocols for SSD
      • vii. General Member at Large – NBa (absent)
      • viii. General Member at Large – JD – nothing to report
      • ix. General Member at Large – GB (absent)
      • x. General Member at Large – DB (absent)
      • xi. General Member at Large – C – still setting up role reaction in SSD Discord and rule-role reaction, interested in formalizing rules around certain triggers, hosted SSD Spooky Movie Night last Friday on SSD Discord
      • xii. General Member at Large – B – nothing to report
      • xiii. General Member at Large – JG – Nov. 26th meeting with GB Lore about accessibility in post secondary institutions, related to A4A campaign
      • xiv. General Member at Large – vacant
    • Staff
      • Research and Communications Coordinator – SP: volunteer management workshop sessions, Monday.com set-up for staff and exec, WS coordination, Online Group study, Art Therapy workshop event Oct 30th, Games Nights every Tues still
      • Education and Administrative Coordinator –  FL: SSD/CAL bursary update (hopefully next meeting), WRAP finishes Nov. 17th, next Monday is Botanical Drawings workshop in collaboration with CCG and another workshop on making plant dyes (later in November), budgeting and financing workshops, looking at next year’s budget and reporting 
      • Office Coordinator – NS: in-center students dropping in looking for guidance on CAL, possible Crafternoons in-person (to discuss in exec/staff meeting)
  5.   Main Motions
    • Motion 2021.11.09: 01 – C/DJ
      • BIRT JuD steps down from chair.
      • BIFRT HB assumes Chair position for the main motions.
      • Motion 01 carries by consensus.
  6.   Priority Business
    • Motion 2021.11.09: 02  – JD/JG
      • BIRT the SSD pay Carmin Lo Re, Peripeteiah Botanicals $300 to host a session of botanical drawing workshop for the fall 2021 (November 15th) term and another workshop for the winter of 2022 (date TBD). 
      • Motion to amend Motion 02 – JD/JG
        • BIRT the above motion is amended as follows: 
        • BIRT the SSD pay Carmin Lo Re, Peripeteiah Botanicals up to $300 to host a session of botanical drawing workshop (co-hosted with the Campus Community Gardens) for the fall 2021 (November 15th) term and approve another $200 workshop for the winter of 2022 (date TBD).
        • Motion 02 as amended carries.
    • Motion 2021.11.09: 03 –  JD/JuD
      • BIRT the SSD pay Mina Heibert $300 for preparing for and hosting a 1hr long Art Therapy session on October 30th, 2021.
      • Motion 03 carries.
    • Motion 2021.11.09: 04 –  JD/JG
      • BIRT the SSD approves the new Covid-19 Social Distancing Support Program for the Fall 2021 semester Policy as written. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1orPfVjMVo23j9UYl4hjjc6OC-wkypuLc4B30eN9Q_LM/edit?usp=sharing
      • BIFRT the outstanding bill from Fernwood NRG/Good Food box be paid by NS at $840 and reimbursed by SSD. The bill was received on November 1, 2021.
      • Motion to amend Motion – C/DJ
        • BIRT the wording in the second part of motion 04 to the following:
        • BIFRT the outstanding bill from Fernwood NRG/Good Food box at $840 be paid by SSD. The bill was received on November 1, 2021.
  7. Motion to move in-camera – DJ/C
    • Motion to move in-camera carries at 5:00pm
  8. Moved out of camera at 5:40pm
    • Motion 04 as amended carries.
  9.   Discussion
    • Priority Discussion
      •   2021.11.09 – JuD/FL
        • Board dinner – latest Dec 3rd
        • JuD to send Council a poll for Dec. 1st, 2nd, or 3rd for online Board dinner dates
      •   2021.11.09 – JuD
        • Kurzweil and Dragon for SSD computers
        • Need more info on pricing and what it would look like in the SSD space
      • 2021.11.09 – JuD
      • 2021.11.09 – FL
        • Spending on PPE and COVID-19 cleaning supplies in the fall semester 2021 to be resumed.
  10. Motion to move In-Camera – JuD/B
    • Motion to move in-camera carries at 5:58pm PST
  11. Moved out of camera at 6:15pm
  12. Motion 05 – HB/JD
    • BIRT the SSD approves AF’s funding request for $5,000 CAD to cover the cost of a EMOVE Cruiser 52V 1600W Dual Suspension – Long Range Scooter and help towards an accessible Evodesk to their desired specifications (with the student making up the shortfall to this purchase)
    • Motion 05 for carries.
  13.   Upcoming Meeting Times
    • Next Council Meeting: November 23rd from 4pm-6pm PST
    • Next exec/council meeting: Wednesday, Nov. 10th, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
  14.   Adjournment at 6:20pm