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August 26, 2021

SSD Council Meeting Minutes


Council Members: JD, HB, JuD, B, NB, DB, JG

Staff: NS, FL

Members: Br

  1. Call to Order at 6:06pm
  2. Territory Acknowledgement
    • We acknowledge with respect the Lekwungen peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.
    • NB acknowledged the territories.
  3. Adoption of Agenda & Ratification of Minutes
    • Ratification of Minutes
      • Council Meeting Minutes of 2021/08/16
      • Motion to ratify the minutes:  JG/HB 
        • Amendment to indicate email vote for motions carried.
        • Amendment carried by consensus.
      • Agenda adopted by consensus. 
    • Adoption of Agenda
      • Agenda of 2021/08/26
      • Motion to adopt the agenda – JG/JD
        • Motion to amend the agenda to change order of business: Council Reports after motions.
        • Amendment carried by consensus.
      • Motion to amend the agenda – JuD/HB
        • Add Discussion Point 01: B.A.C.K (Belonging, Authenticity, Community of Care, and Knowledge).
        • Amendment carried by consensus.
      • Motion to amend the agenda – JD/JuD
        • Add Discussion Point 02: Campus Kick-Off
        • Amendment carried by consensus.
      • Agenda adopted by consensus.
  4. Reports
    • Council Members
      • i. Chairperson – NB
      • ii. Interim Treasurer – JG
      • iii. UVSS Representative – DJ (absent)
      • iv. Student Liaison – JuD 
      • v. Graduate Student Representative – Vacant
      • vi. International Student Representative – HB
      • vii. General Member at Large – B
      • viii. General Member at Large – DB 
      • ix. General Member at Large – GB (absent)
      • x. General Member at Large – JD
      • xi. General Member at Large – NBa (absent)
      • xii. Treasurer (on leave) – ES (leave)
      • xiii. Secretary – Vacant
    • Staff Reports:
      • FL: 
      • SP: 
      • NS:
  5. Campaign Reports:
    • Access4All
  6. Main Motions
    • Priority Business
      • Motion 2021/08/26: 01 JuD/JD
        • BIRT Anna-Elaine is given a 75$ honorarium for providing Media Relations Training to Access for All Committee members.
        • This would cover 25$ per hour for 2 hours preparation and 1 hour presentation and training.
        • JG abstained. 
        • Motion carried. 
      • Motion 2021/08/26: 02 HB/JD
        • BIRT the Pic-nic event previously scheduled for September 3rd be postponed until after Campus Kickoff (September 8th, 9th, and 10th).
        • Motion carried by consensus. 
      • Motion 2021/08/26: 03 HB/JD
        • BIRT the SSD approves the payment of honorariums of $25 an hour for up to three hours for individuals leading the weekly Crafting Events for the Summer 2021 semester up to a maximum of $1,200.00 and the Fall 2021 semester up to a maximum of $1,200.00.
        • Amended by consensus to specify a maximum of $1,200.
        • Motion carried. 
    • New Business
      • Motion 2021/08/26: 04 JD/HB
        • BIRT the SSD accepts ES’s resignation from Treasurer
        • Motion carried. 
    • Old Business
  7. Discussion
    • Priority Discussion 
      • Discussion Point 2021/08/06: 01 – JuD
        • B.A.C.K (Belonging, Authenticity, Community of Care, and Knowledge).
      • Discussion Point 2021/08/26: 02 – JD
        • CKO sign-up for tabling.
  8. In Camera
    • Personnel Report
    • Funding Request Review
      • Motion  2021/08/26: 03 – JuD/HB
        • BIRT the SSD approves Pei-Ling Wang’s funding request for $313.98 for noise cancelling headphones, $419.99 for a Solid State Drive, and $189.28 for MS Office for a total of $923.25.
        • Motion carried.
  9. Meeting Times
  10. Adjournment 
    • Meeting adjourned