Attendance: Parker, Julia, Zack, Hannah Brown, Jacob, Victoria, Bella, Adrean, Andrea, Emma
Called to order 3:05
- Welcome
- Territorial acknowledgement
- Chair gives territorial acknowledgement
- Ratification of SGM Minutes – Victoria/Zack
- 29th September 2022 SGM Minutes
- Carries
- Adoption of 2023 AGM Agenda – Victoria/Hannah Brown
- Using Victoria’s movers privilege to move the in-camera section to a council meeting
- With Victoria’s movers privilege to add the following:
- “WHEREAS the SSD strives to support disabled students on campus by providing respite and access to light refreshments and easy meal; and, WHEREAS the SSD purchases a variety of snacks, and easy meals for on campus consumption and takeaway for at home for students’ open access; therefore, BIRT the SSD approves $500 more for the Winter/Spring 2023 semester for the purchase and delivery of more space snacks and simple convenient meals.”
- General Overview and Intro to the SSD
- Chair gives overview
- The SSD is an advocacy group for UVic students who self-identify as having one or more disabilities.
- Chair gives overview
- Yearly Executive Council Reports
- Chairperson
- Programs
- Peer Support Groups
- Community Outings (Board Game Cafe, Butchart Gardens)
- Campus Strolls
- Book Club (recently revamped)
- Movie Nights
- Games Night
- Variety of events
- Community Care Week
- Strolls for Reproductive Justice
- Educational Workshops
- Monetary Supports
- Food Security Program
- Funding Support Program
- Learning Assistance Program Bursary
- SSD Advocacy
- Accommodations (supporting students in accessing accommodations)
- Policy Review
- UVic Access4All
- New developments from 2022
- Instructor Accessibility Form
- Peer Support Groups
- Book Club
- SSD Goals for 2023
- Building our Community
- Strategic Planning
- Upcoming Events
- NEADS State of the Schools Tour – March 31st – 4-7pm (PST)
- Invisible Disabilities Campaign – March 6th to 10th
- Dynamic Disabilities Campaign – March 20th to 24th
- Programs
- Treasurer
- Financial SSD Summary Financial Presentation.pdf
- We budget May-April so the budget data used here is from two budgets
- The actual data presented here is in the calendar years so this differs from the current budget
- Trust Balance – what we have in the bank as the first of May
- There is a steady decline happy with they way the trust balance is going
- Treasurer explains the budget and expenses – if we are under or over and what that means
- Expenses Breakdown – most of our expenses are going to Food Security
- We are in a great
- Future plans
- Creation of the 2023-2024 budget
- Review funding request policy to make it more clear and robust
- Financial SSD Summary Financial Presentation.pdf
- Student Liaison
- There was a Student Liaison Discord – but this had to be deleted. We had anonymous feedback that was given to us
- Helped students access medical care
- Was on the access4all campaign
- Giving folks resource lists – and making a good resource list
- Chairperson
- Staff Reports
- Office Coordinator
- SEXPO – we did an interview series on Sex and Disability and a Panel for Reproductive Justice. Continuing to do this work and do some one off interviews to continue the conversation
- Anti-racist task force, we needed to address previous harm that has been done in the space.
- We did bystander intervention training
- We did space improvements
- Hiring new UVSS coordinators – including our own SSD staff
- We have been doing an AIR adventure – a collaboration between UVSS, VIKES, Advo Groups, OSL (has now stepped out). The hope to make people comfortable. It has been ableist and racist and we are now trying to change this and be true to the birth of the project. We lost focus we are trying top pivot back to it.
- Outreach – we are doing a chalking campaign – doing lots of postering – Emma made some great ones – doing lots of tabling
- Workstudies are amazing
- Applying for lots of grants – got all three grants for our SEXPO panels
- Getting prepped for the NEADS events.
- Putting together schedules so we always have something in the office, scheduling meetings.
- Keeping our financial practices in check and making sure everything is clear to make sure we have solid financial practice
- Reviewing the Policies to infuse anti-racist work
- Lots of ordering – new office supplies – new fidgets – lots of space snacks – we are running out of snack and we are in need of more food for students.
- Volunteer organizations and a procedural manual for the coordinator positions
- Our outings with inter-cultural association – they will also be offering the bystander interventions training for all UVSS Staff
- We are doing fundraising – colouring book – chocolate with a golden ticket idea – clothing swap (pay if you can) – Posters we will be printing them off to sell them.
- Partner is pregnant – due April first – will be taking some time off.
- Education and Administration Coordinator
- Presented by Adrean: AGM Report 2023
- Research and Communications Coordinator
- Many bananas were added this year
- 146 days of having Bella
- Social media updates
- Facebook/Instagram
- Lots more engagement/posts/followers
- Tiktok
- New! One video for now
- Discord
- Changed to Disabled Students Community at UVIC
- Run by volunteers and community members
- Changed to Disabled Students Community at UVIC
- Facebook/Instagram
- Website
- Updating pieces
- Still not everything is current, will continue to work diligently on this
- Posting events on website
- Monthly calendar
- Respite room booking
- Drop in or booked ok
- Introductions
- Council & staff
- Blog
- Community blogs -> bring it back!
- Updating pieces
- Posters
- Rest is Sexy
- Cute posters
- Ableist language posters
- Newsletters
- Monthly
- March newsletter coming out this week
- Monthly
- Interview series editing
- To be posted on the website
- New outdoor sign
- Insert decided to go on an adventure
- Free advertising
- Add some additional bananas onto the second insert
- Adding the daily hours
- Insert decided to go on an adventure
- Workstudies – Media & Marketing
- Julia
- Weekly posts
- Peer Support Groups
- Vic
- Council intros
- Staff intros
- Discord updates
- Weekly posts
- Cute posts
- Julia
- Future Projects
- SSD Music Playlist
- Designed by the community, for the community
- Campaigns
- Interview series
- Instagram
- More reels! More bananas!
- SSD-CAL Bursary
- Opening tomorrow
- SSD Music Playlist
- Many bananas were added this year
- Office Coordinator
- Exiting office and Elections
- Motion to appoint Scrutineer and Electoral Officer. – Hannah/Emma
- Vote Carries
- Nominations for Council positions 1 by 1
- Co-Chairperson(s) or Chairperson
- Julia nominates themselves
- Julia motivates
- Vote carried out and passed
- SSD representative on UVSS Board
- No nominations: position remains vacant.
- Treasurer
- Hannah nominates themselves
- Hannah motivates
- Vote carried out and passed
- Student Liaison
- Julia nominates Victoria – Victoria nominates themselves
- Victoria motivates
- Vote carried out and passed
- International Student Rep
- No nominations: position remains vacant.
- Grad Student Rep
- Zack nominates themselves
- Zack motivates
- Andrea nominates themselves
- Andrea motivates
- Vote carried out and passed (Zack)
- Secretary
- No nominations: position remains vacant.
- General Members (eight)
- Emma nominates themselves
- Emma motivates
- Vote carried out and passed
- Jacob nominates themselves
- Jacob motivates
- Vote carried out and passed
- Six (6) positions remain vacant
- Co-Chairperson(s) or Chairperson
- Motion to appoint Scrutineer and Electoral Officer. – Hannah/Emma
- Motions:
MOTION 2023/02/28: 01 – HANNAH BROWN/Jacob
WHEREAS the SSD approved a total budget of $9,500 for the Spring 2023 semester for the Food Security Program on 17th January 2023; and,
WHEREAS the program applications are open until March 20th and we are already near capacity in late February; therefore,
BIRT the SSD approves an increased total budget of $13,000 for the Spring 2023 Food Security Program in order to support more students.
- Council onboarding and training dates
- Council bios for website
- How much you want to share is up to you?
- Committee formation(s)
- SSD Colouring Book
- We are hoping to create a colouring book
- We want to think about how to pay the artists and the intricacies with copyright
- It would be about centering disabled artists – having a bio page and a QR code to their website
- Maybe we could get subtext to sell them
- Make sure we get our members to create pages as well as established professionals
- Lots of different artists we are connecting with – they are all really excited
- Get local companies to advertise inside it
- Get Advo groups to members to add to it
- March 31st event with the National Educational Association of Disabled Students
- Brooklyn may be able to be there
- Hannah will be able to help start the event at least
- Include in newsletter – callout for volunteers
Moved to Council Meeting
- In Camera – Hannah/Jacob
In-camera – 5:12
- Funding requests – GT and SH
Out of camera Hannah/Jacob – 5:48
- Adjournment – 5:50