Wednesday, July 20th 2022 – Zoom, 5 pm PST


Council: HB, DJ, JD, ZD

Staff: AM 

Community: V


LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT – Zack, Victoria, Adrean, and Julia offer an acknowledgement. 


Ratification of June 6, 2022 minutes

Adoption of today’s agenda – Zack/Bella – Motion Carries



Co-chairs: Julia has been unwell so Delicia has been acting as sole chair most of the time. Staff turnover and planning for fall programming have been priorities. A4A meeting next week and posting Research Coordinator position. Adrean has taken on the role of Office Coordinator since the last meeting.

Treasurer: Hannah – Running the Food Security program  for summer, Supporting Delicia in staff support and planning for SSD, 2 funding requests to be reviewed later, still plan to update the financial/funding policy for the SSD when they have capacity.

Student Liaison: vacant


Julia (acting) – UVSS Board strategic planning

International Student Rep: vacant

Graduate Student Rep:

Zack – Getting own access needs met has been a challenge as in Quebec, now they know how it works they can write a blog post about it. Also noticed the UVSS health insurance covers more/different things than the grad health plan- need to take this into account when sharing resources. 

General Members at Large: Natasha, Bella


Adrean – Staff Manuals, UVic AIR (Advocacy Inclusive Recreation) programme (AdvocacyxOSLxVikes), Solidarity Stroll for reproductive rights, Butchart gardens event, and lots of other ideas


MOTION 2022/07/20 -01-(Hannah/Delicia)

WHEREAS the SSD strives to support disabled students who may face undue financial hardship due to their disabilities. To help in this mission the SSD has set up a bursary with CAL to ensure access to LAP Tutor, Learning Strategist, and Full-Serve Note Taking services for students who do not qualify for funding through the Canada Student Grant program.

BIRT the SSD approves $6000 toward the UVic Learning Assistance Program as the CAL-SSD Bursary for the January to April Spring 2022 semester.

BIFRT the SSD approves $3000 towards the UVic Learning Assistance Program as the  CAL-SSD Bursary for the May to August Summer 2022 semester.

BIFRT the SSD approves $6000 towards the UVic Learning Assistance Program as the CAL-SSD Bursary for the September to December Fall 2022 semester.

BIFRT the SSD approves $6000 towards the UVic Learning Assistance Program as the CAL-SSD Bursary for the January to April Spring 2023 semester.

Motion Carries.

MOTION 2022/07/20 -02 -(Hannah/Deicia)

WHEREAS the SSD requires SWAG and advertising materials for campus events and giveaways.

BIRT the SSD approves a budget of up to $1,275 to purchase items needed for advertising and SWAG. This budget can be broken down into: up to $250 for a metal A-frame sign and 2 inserts (to replace the tablecloth), up to $300 for up to 10 T-shirts for staff / volunteers to wear when tablelling, up to $335 for 50 SSD branded tote bags, up to $175 for 100 SSD branded stylus pens, up to $100 for 250 SSD stickers, and up to $115 for 200 SSD bookmarks.

Motion Carries.

MOTION 2022/07/20- 03- (Hannah/Bella)

WHEREAS the SSD aims to help students with disabilities by reducing barriers in their social lives, such as by organising social events. 

BIRT the SSD approves a budget of up to $1,850 to fund a trip to Butchart Gardens. This covers a budget of up to $750 for bus transportation, up to $775 for tickets (for a maximum of 40 participants), and up to $325 for refreshments/light snacks to be provided. This will be subsidised by $700 by the Greater Victoria Intercultural Association, so the total cost to the SSD will be a maximum of $1,150.

Motion Carries.

MOTION 2022/07/20 -04 – (Hannah/Zack)

WHEREAS the SSD strives to create safer spaces for disabled community members through advanced cleaning protocols, and

WHEREAS the SSD aims to keep all policies current and prudent; therefore

BIRT the SSD Council approves an updated current COVID-19 space policy 

Hannah used theirs movers privilege to adjust the motion to read “BIRT the SSD Council approves an updated current COVID-19 space policy and ongoing SSD Staff and SSD Exec can adjust the policy as required”

Updated Motion Carries.


Discussion Point 2022/07/20: -01 – Hannah

SAGM to be held soon as individuals have expressed interest in council: 17th August 5pm is tentative date.


 SSD to look into Captioners for all meetings if that would be an access need.

Future Meeting Times 

Summer will be bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 5-6pm PT on:

  • 3 August
  • 17 August
  • 31 August

Motion to move in camera (Zack/Delicia), motion moved by consensus. 

IN-CAMERA at 6:07pm.

Motion to leave in camera – Zack/Delicia – motion m- motion moved by consensusoved by consensus

OUT OF CAMERA at 6:20 pm


Thank you for coming!