Council Meeting Minutes

April 30th at 3pm PDT

Zoom link: 

  1. Call to Order/Welcome – 3:03 PM PDT

    1. In attendance: Julia, Hannah, Adrean, AJ, Grace, Emma, Vanessa, Anika
  2. Land Acknowledgement – Chair offers land acknowledgment.

  3. Access Needs Check-In

    1. Break at 45 minutes

  4. Adoption of Agenda/Minutes 

    1. Adoption of today’s agenda – Anika/AJ

    2. Ratification of April 3rd Council Meeting MinutesVanessa/Hannah

  5. Reports

  6. Council

    1. Chairpersons

      1. Julia
        1. I recently ran the Clay Bake event online. I’m appreciative of getting to join in.
        2. There’s currently a poll to decide a time for our next event. We’re confirming facilitators for 4PM on Friday May 10th.
        3. We’re also offering training and reaching out to faculties.
        4. I was recently invited to speak as part of a panel on May 27th which is really cool. We’re discussing what a utopia for disabled folk would look like. Input is welcome.
      2. Hannah
        1. Currently sick and carrying out regular duties in the meantime.
    2. Treasurer

      1. Grace
        1. We’re working out what we can do within our current budget.
    3. Student Liaison

      1. AJ
        1. I’m interested to know what students would like to do so we can plan. We have a lower budget and want to meet our students’ needs. I’m also looking at broader advocacy (government).
    4. UVSS’ SSD Representative

      1. Cate
        1. I’m currently working on updating the website.
    5. International Student Representative

      1. Kush
        1. Absent
    6. Graduate Student Representative

      1. Alison
        1. Updating scholarship binder 
    7.  Secretary: 

      1. Anika
        1. Relieved end of term is over, catching up with medical and energies
        2. Will be back on May 7th 
    8. General Members at Large: 

      1. Lola
      2. Mya
      3. Vanessa
        1. Thankful exams are over
        2. On the NEADS board
          1. Meeting in May
      4. Emma
        1. Mental Health Resource Fair templates
          1. AP: Adrean to update Drive
  7. Staff

    1. Office Coordinator

      1. Adrean Meuser
        1. VDAC collaboration – Victoria disability arts collective. We had a button workshop and it was incredible. There’s a collage event coming up. Registration is open! It’s hybrid, in-person and online 🙂
        2. We’re approved for the new fiscal year.
        3. I’ve personally been pretty busy!
    2. Research & Communications Coordinator

      1. Diana Viafara
        1. Has been organizing our events into a spreadsheet and making our cutie graphics.
        2. They have a new workflow.
    3. Education & Administration Coordinator

      1. Marissa Donaldson
        1. Wrapping up food security and grocery reimbursement.
        2. Fulfilling the funding requests.
  8. Campaigns

    1. #Access4All

      1. Our campaign person is keen and doing a great job advocating!
      2. We have a poll for the time of our next meeting 
  1. Discussion

    1. Summer Cooking Class

      1. We will likely have an e-mail motion to notify all members about cooking class and work out the timing.
    2. Victoria Disability Arts Collective

      1. Founded by our council member Emma to provide opportunities to engage disabled students with the arts.
      2. We need ten student numbers and e-mails to start a club at UVic, hopefully by Friday at midnight. This is the link to sign-up: Then we can table and gather more members at Student Union and Club days.
    3. Summer Good Food Snack Box

      1. We have about $100 in our snack budget – DON’T PANIC – we have lots of snacks stored in our respite room.
      2. We are looking at purchasing fresh fruits and freezies for the Summer.
  2. Business

    1. Motions – Vanessa/AJ

MOTION 2024/04/30:01

WHEREAS the SSD offered four identity-based peer support groups this Spring 2024 semester, for a total of 14 sessions; and,


WHEREAS the SSD seeks to acknowledge the tremendous labor that it takes to run our peer support groups; therefore,


BIRT the SSD approves up to $1000 allocated to peer support group honorarium for our student facilitators.


  1. Future Meeting Times

    1. Council Meetings

      1. Poll for next meeting
    2. Weekly Staff/Exec (Thrive) Meetings 

      1. Next meeting tomorrow (Wednesday May 1st) at 12:30pm
      2. Agenda & Zoom
    3. #Access4All Meetings 

      1. Poll for summer meetings
  2. In-Camera

    1. Funding requests – complete

  3. Adjournment

Thank you for coming!