Society for Students with a Disability (SSD)

Council Meeting

Wednesday April 3rd 2024 at 2pm PDT

Zoom link: 

    1. Call to Order/Welcome

      1. Chair calls the meeting to order at 2:04pm.
    2. Land Acknowledgement

      1. Chair offers land acknowledgement. 
    3. Access Needs Check-In

      1. Break at 45 minutes

      2. Fidgeting as necessary, moving as needed
    4. Adoption of Agenda/Minutes

      1. Adoption of today’s agenda (Julia/Mya)

  • Adopted
      1. Ratification of March 18 Council Meeting Minutes (Alison/Julia)

  • Ratified 
  1. Reports

  1. Council

    1. Chairpersons

      1. Julia
        1. Not much to report, just gathering feedback and working on a workplan. Chose a date for the sculpt and bake event! Friday April 12th at 5pm.
      2. Hannah
        1. Supporting budget and programming talks. Has fully handed over treasurer to Grace. Been going to events, loving them! GSS received a plant from us named Penelope!!
    2. Treasurer

      1. Grace
        1. Focussing on the budget. We will discuss it later today.
    3. Student Liaison

      1. AJ
        1. Absent
    4. UVSS’ SSD Representative

      1. Cate
        1. Absent
    5. International Student Representative

      1. Kush
        1. Absent
    6. Graduate Student Representative

      1. Alison
        1. Did a presentation on disclosure and disability for clinical rounds to the department, got some great feedback from professors. Hoping to connect with GSS very soon.
    7. Secretary: 

      1. Anika
        1. Absent
    8. General Members at Large: 

      1. Lola
        1. Absent
      2. Mya
        1. Nothing to report 🙂 
      3. Vanessa
        1. Nothing to report
      4. Emma
        1. Absent
  2. Staff

    1. Office Coordinator

      1. Adrean 
        1. Just got some new masks and COVID tests from donate a mask. Almost summer and summer is all about strategizing, lots of events like button making, mindful rock painting, and garden party!
    2. Research & Communications Coordinator

      1. Diana 
        1. Absent
    3. Education & Administration Coordinator

      1. Marissa 
        1. Food security one more week left – Monday last day for submission – program full with a small waitlist – missing receipts so will send a reminder tomorrow – waitlist may be used hopefully
        2. Cooking class- last session next week – going well – everyone involved enjoying it!!
        3. PWD Workshop – went super well – 22 attendance – lots of questions and engagement – even went over time 
        4. Looking to do Career workshop with Neils in April
        5. Funding requests also happening – 4 today
  3. Campaigns

    1. #Access4All

      1. No updates. Come to the meeting next Monday at 1:30pm! Meeting times will be reassessed in the summer. 
    2. Disability Isn’t A Bad Word 

      1. Interested parties: Hannah, Alison, Marissa, Vanessa,….ok sounds like everyone actually. All of council will get an invite.
  1. Discussion

    1. Committees

      1. No updates.
  2. Business

    1. Motions to Rescind from March 18 2024 (Grace/Mya)

RESCIND MOTION 2024/03/18: 05 

WHEREAS the SSD is committed to supporting students’ wellbeing and nutritious eating on and off campus, and;

WHEREAS the SSD has run the Food Security Program in the past, therefore;

BIRT the SSD approves the Summer 2024 Food Security Program policy, and;

BIFRT the SSD approves a budget of $16,000 for the Summer semester. 

RESCIND MOTION 2024/03/18: 06 

WHEREAS the SSD supports students’ skill development, including kitchen skills and opportunities to network and connect with other disabled students, and;

WHEREAS the SSD launched the Accessible Cooking Class collaboration with Dan Caron from the Health Food Bar this past Spring semester, therefore;

BIRT the SSD approves up to $4000 for expenses related to the Summer sessions of Accessible Cooking Class, including costs associated with purchasing accessible kitchen tools. 

The above motions have been rescinded.

  1. Motions

MOTION 2024/04/03: 01 (Julia/AJ)

WHEREAS the SSD creates an annual budget each year to be approved by council and subsequently the Advocacy Relations Committee (ARC); therefore;

BIRT the SSD approves the 2024/25 Budget as presented today by our Treasurer, Grace.


MOTION 2024/04/03: 02 (Julia/Mya)

WHEREAS the SSD strives to create fun activities for students for community building and

social connections, therefore;

BIRT the SSD approves up to $350 for a trip to the Beacon Hill Petting Zoo for up to 30 students in June or July. 


    1. Future Meeting Times

      1. Council Meetings

        1. Fill out this poll

      2. Weekly Staff/Exec (Thrive) Meetings

        1. Alternating between Tuesdays at 12pm and Thursdays at 2pm – next meeting is Thursday April 11th at 2pm PDT

      3. #Access4All Meetings 

        1. Every other Monday at 1:30pm PDT – next meeting is Monday April 8th

    2. In-Camera (Julia/Mya)

      Out of camera (Grace/Julia)

  1. Adjournment 

    1. Adjourned at 3:40pm

Thank you for coming!